Camp Staff - Noel


Noel Laflin  (aka:  Noeleo Rasputin)
Program Director
Noel seemed to be the Camp Jester; always thinking outside of the box.
At the campfires with his, peoples’ sunday school, boom-boom ain’t it great to be crazy . . .  and the largest skit “Luigi”.  He never went around
Without creating some sort of commotion.  He didn’t walk around the
camp; he had this strut that if you could only see someone moving, you knew it was him.
He always seemed to be able to find me when needed.  He was able (no matter what) was able to get thing done, kept things on tract . . .  but thinking outside of the box.

The Three Rings
There are there are three rings which are separate from each other
However, they depend on each other for support.
Their relationship thus follows:
The center of the second ring pivots upon the edge of the first ring
Yet it is able to pass through it.

The second ring also connects the first ring with the third ring
The third ring is able to pass through the other two rings and encompasses the second ring
The first ring is larger than the others, holding more objects in
its’ center which increases and decreases at certain times.

How can this be?
It has come to pass that it is the relationship of the sun, earth,
moon and the eclipses of such.
Ring 1 – Earth revolution around the sun
Ring 2 – Moons revolution around the earth
Ring 3 – Earth’s rotation on its’ axis, giving the sun the
apparent revolution around the earth
                                                       From:  Secret Book of Gnome Writings
                                                                      By:   DMPiantoni

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