Hey, Guess Who?
This Holiday Season when I dough out the
decorations to start the yearly chore of decorating, I was finally able to dig
through my trunks that had been packed and take a long stroll down Memory
As I started the stroll it seemed so long ago, but then memories came as
if it was just yesterday. The feeling of
family and friendships that were forged felt like they were forged not only in
steel, BUT in Nature itself. I looked at
the amount I had, thinking I had a lot more in pictures and souvenirs.
I realize that over the years (44) since I
started collecting – pictures and items became faded, and lost in moves condensing
due to space and the choices of what was necessary to keep, I cried – a lot of
history that was precious was lost.
The memories feel like dreams, of great
spirits and times.
My actual history with Ahwahnee and can be documented 1 was in
1969 by a patch.
I started as a camper with my Troop 141 (later to become 441). Our troop
would go up every year with the SPL going up the week before for the training. The
year i became SPL the path of the troop was changing, it was decided that it
would not be necessary. Our adult
leadership had changed although my father was there for advisory if wanted. I
actually was being closed off (over ruled by the new), however at camp i was
always there to guide and keep the troop on tract. Every year at camp, i was a
member of The Polar Bears
And The Last year with the troop, i
was the one elected to be the Friendship Fire Keeper when our troop was honored
with the responsibility.
In 1975 I felt I was now a true member of the Awahnee Family, it was my
first year to be selected for staff.
When young – i felt that i was able to receive what i did especially in
scouting because of who my dad was. He was
well known in scouting on many levels – troop, district and council level. A lot of times i would hear them mention “there’s
Don’s son). Although i went through a
lot of the scout training and felt i had to be the best, there was that stigma
at the time. “I had to be the BEST because i was DON’s son. But NOW that maturity has set in, and looking
at the friendships that were forged, i realize that it was me. . .
My father only gave me the clay and the
tools to build who i was and am WHICH ALLOWED ME ALL THE PRIVILAGES AND
In the next few days to weeks, I will be downloading onto my blog pictures
and pictures of memorabilia’s to bring
back memories and stories that we can all share.
Love To All My Ahwahnee Family
Dave Piantoni